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    Governors at Chrishall

    Current governors

    Governor / Associate Member
    Category / term of office
    Appointing body
    Membership of committees
    Positions of responsibility
    Relevant business interests
    Personal relationship
    (if any) with members of school staff

    Mrs Tracey Bratley

    Head Teacher
    Finance, Premises & Personnel;
    Curriculum & Admissions:
    Link Governor: Health & Safety
    Executive Head Teacher at Federation of Farnham and Rickling Schools

    Mrs Islay Dring
    Appointed 01/01/2014
    Reappointed 14/02/2022

    Foundation D.B.E
    4 Years


    Curriculum & Admissions; Finance, Premises & Personnel; Pay; Disciplinary; Head Teacher’s Performance Review Panel

    Co-chair of Governors
    Vice-Chair of Curriculum & Admissions; Link Governor – Year 3, Safeguarding, Looked After Children,  Pupil Premium, SIAMS , SMSC


    Mrs Fiona Dyer
    Appointed 14/11/2017
    Reappointed 02/11/2021
    Teacher at the school

    Mr Hubert de Froberville
    Appointed 23/06/2016
    Reappointed 22/06/2024

    Foundation D.B.E.
    4 years



    Finance, Premises & Personnel; Pay

    Chair of Finance & Premises & Personnel; Link Governor – Year 6;  Data, Maths, Complaints


    Wife is a member of staff

    Mrs Hannah Millward
    Appointed 04/09/2017
    Reappointed 24/09/2021


    4 years
    Curriculum & Admissions; PreSchool; Pay Appeals
    Link Governor Year 4; Computing; Staff Well-being; Courageous Advocates, Safer Recruitment; SMSC
    Mrs Joanna Freemantle
    Appointed 18-Mar-2021
    Foundation PCC
    4 Years
    Curriculum & Admissions;Pre-School; Pay Appeals; Head Teacher's Performance Review Panel
    Co-chair of Governors; Link Governor - Pre-School; Science; Geography; History; Staff Well-being, Governor training, Chrishall archive
    Mr Angus Gent
    Appointed 1-Jun-2021
    Foundation DBE
    4 Years
    Curriculum & Admissions
    Link governor - Foundation stage; English; Staff Well-being; Courageous Advocates; SIAMS
    Tutor to 3 children at the school

    Mrs Susanne Hartigan
    Appointed 30 Jan 2023

    Foundation 4 years Diocese Finance, Premises & Personnel; Pay (from Feb 2024) Link Governor - year 2, PSHCE, RE None None

    Mrs Sarah Moran
    Appointed 11 Dec 2023

    Local Authority 4 years Local Authority Curriculum and admissions Link Governor -Year 1, PE,  Inclusion & SEND     

    Rev James Webster
    Appointed May 2024

    Ex Officio



    Governors leaving office in the past 12 months:-

    Governor / Associate Member
    Category / term of office
    Appointing body
    Membership of committees
    Positions of responsibility
    Relevant business interests
    Personal relationship
    (if any) with members of school staff

    Mr Jeremy Smith
    Appointed 12/03/2020

    Parent4 years Elected Finance, Premises & Personnel; Pay; Disciplinary Vice Chair Finance Premises & Personnel; Link Governor - Year 2; PE; Inclusion & SEND;  FOCS None None
    Mrs Jenny Rodda
    Appointed 31/10/2013
    Reappointed 14/10/2021
    Foundation D.B.E.
    4 years
    Diocese Curriculum & Admissions; Finance, Premises & Personnel; PreSchool; Pay Appeals; Disciplinary Chair of Curriculum & Admissions; Link Governor Year 5; French; Music None None

    Governor Information and Attendance

    Governor Profiles

  • Islay Dring

    I joined the Governing Body in April 2014, becoming Co-Chair in 2017, Chair in 2020 and back to being Co-Chair in 2022 this time with Joanna Freemantle. I was keen to be part of a school with such a strong focus on real-life learning experiences. I am the Year 3 Governor which is a great opportunity to meet all of the children as they progress from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 and see their progression through the rest of their time at school. In addition, I am also the current Safeguarding Governor. 

    I have 3 children all of whom have attended Chrishall Primary School. My youngest son is currently in Year 4 the eldest two have since joined Joyce Frankland Academy Newport.

  • Hubert de Froberville

    Hubert is a Foundation Governor, appointed by the Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Education in September 2016.  His current term expires in June 2020.

    Hubert has declared no conflict of business interests or any personal staff relationships.

    Hubert focuses on monitoring and analysing data, from performance and attainment to attendance.

  • Hannah Millward

    My name is Hannah Millward and I have been a governor for six years. I have two children, Poppy who is in year 4 and Harry who is now in year 8 at JFAN and attended Chrishall. I work part time as an HR Manager at a Cambridge College and enjoy being a governor alongside this role. I am on the curriculum and admissions committee which I really enjoy as you get to see how the school ethos is put into practice. I have undertaken safer recruitment training to allow me to help out with recruiting staff if needed. I also really enjoy getting to come into school and seeing how engaged the children are. My year group is year 4 and I see them regularly, I feel very lucky to be able to have such a close connection with the school.

  • Fiona Dyer

    Fiona Dyer is the staff governor.

    She began teaching at Chrishall School in October 2016.  She teaches the KS1 class Zephaniah.

    Fiona is hoping one day to run off with the circus, but until then is honing her clowning and dancing skills with the children in class Zephaniah.

    She has no personal staff relationships, business or pecuniary interests to declare.

  • Joanna Freemantle

    I was honoured to join the team of Governors at Chrishall Primary school as a Foundation Governor, starting in Spring 2021.

    My husband and I moved to the village of Chrishall over a decade ago, and have two young children that both attend the primary school. Therefore, we have been able to see first-hand the high calibre of teachers at the school, the admirable level of pastoral care and the very positive engagement between staff and parents. I wanted to take the opportunity to contribute to this strong community environment and help with the ambition for all Chrishall pupils to fulfil their potential.

    My background is in insight and consultancy, with a number of years spent in the data analytics industry. I am currently focusing on being a mother, and in my spare time enjoy running, cycling and art.

    I do not have any staff, business or pecuniary interests to declare.

  • Angus Gent

    I have lived in Great Chishill for the past 26 years.  I am a teacher in Cambridge.  I am married with four grown-up children.  Both my wife and I are active members of the community and throughout our time in the village we have been very active with the church.  I was chair of St Swithun's church appeal committee which raised funds to repair the tower and install disabled facilities.  I am presently a member of the DCC.  I am also a member of Great Chishill United Reformed Church, the chapel is in the grounds of our home!  I play cricket for Great Chishill and coach the juniors on a Saturday morning during the summer months.

    I am very much looking forward to being involved with Chrishall School in whatever way I possibly can, offering  my experiences in education to support the school and the staff and to enhance the education of all the children within the school community.

  • Susanne Hartigan

    I joined as a Foundation Governor at the start of 2023 and am delighted to be part of the school’s governing body.  I moved to Chrishall in 2013. My daughter joined reception in 2020 and my son in 2022.

  • Sarah Moran

    I was appointed to the LA governor role in December 2023. I have lived in Chrishall since the spring of 2007 with my husband and two sons. We loved the fact that the village had a great little school and were really happy to send our boys there from pre-school age. 

    At the time I was changing careers to become a teacher but managed to find time to spend some time every week helping in reception class which gave me great satisfaction. I also served on the FOCS committee for a while before my children left the school. They are now of adult age!

    I have recently had a further connection with the school helping Ukrainian children and their families settle in. 

    I am looking forward to working with the staff and governors to help this successful school go from strength to strength. 

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