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7.30 - 8.45 Breakfast club

Children may go straight to their classroom


Class registers taken

10:45 - 11:00 Morning break - KS2
11:00 – 11.15 Morning break - Reception & KS1
12:15 – 1.15 Lunch - times will be staggered for each class

2.45pm  Sharing Assembly

Parents are welcome to join us for sharing assembly

3:15 End of day

3:15 – 4:15

3:15 - 5:15




After school clubs 

After school provision

Please see information for individual clubs to confirm timings as these may differ 


Parking in the Red Cow car park

The Red Cow have kindly given use permission to use their car park atschool drop and collection times

Thank you to those parents/carers who use the Red Cow car park both before and after school.  

For safety reasons,  there will NO parking in the school grounds during ‘Drop Off’ times: 08:45-09:15 and 3:00-3:30.
It has been reported that there has been some very dangerous and illegal parking outside at the junctions – so please be careful and safe. 

Children arriving early

If for any reason your child is asked to arrive at school early (before 8.45 am) (music lessons, school trips) please make sure you accompany them to the main school entrance (office).

Children arriving late

If for any reason your child arrives at school late (after 9 am) please make sure you accompany them to the office and sign them in.  In the event of a fire this book is used to ensure all the children in the building are accounted for.

Could we ask that, if your child is going to be late in for any reason, i.e. Medical appointments, you contact the school office by 9.30am with their lunch requirements.


End of day pickup

All parents/carers who are going to be late collecting children from school should ring the office before 3.15 p.m. so that we can tell the children to wait in the library

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